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Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Leavers Dinner

Last night the Year 8s celebrated the end of their time at St Mary's.  Dinner was followed by dancing, putting into practise all that had been learnt from Mr Fullwood.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Talk the Talk Debating Winners!!

 Our debating team of Niko Slade, Bridgette Petrie and Olivia Fleming were the winners of the Radio Kidnappers 'Talk the Talk' Intermediate Schools debate. Here they are with their opposing team from Taradale Intermediate.  An awesome result.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Te Rauparaha Aquatic Centre

                       The last stop of our trip was at the Aquatic Centre in Porirua.  
           The pools were a really nice temperature and all enjoyed having a play. 

Line Dancing

A couple of videos that show how much fun people had at the Line Dancing.
 The first dance was one that the Year 7's had learnt at school. They were so good, it wasn't long before the competitions started and then a much faster tune.
 Next it was the adults turn. Some individual styles here. Even Sheryl, one of our coach drivers got involved.

Friday, 23 November 2012

City By Night Tour

Our city by night tour began with a trip across the Wellington harbour on the EastbyWest Ferry.
We boarded the ferry in Day's Bay and enjoyed a cruise across to Queen's Wharf. The sea was very calm and most enjoyed the trip from the top of the ferry. We then had a wander up to Cable Car Lane to ride to the top and look at the city as it began to get dark.
Our coaches met us at the top and took us across the city and up to the lookout on Mt Victoria.
The views were amazing and very hard to say Good-bye to.

BNZ Museum

At the BNZ Museum, we had the opportunity to find out lots about the history of money and the bank. The old machines seemed strange and and it took us a bit to figure out how to write out cheques in pounds, shillings and pence. Some of us had no idea what a cheque was!
It was a hands on Museum and a fun place to visit.

National War Memorial

The National War Memorial was an awesome place to visit. We found out about why we have the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and participated in a wreath laying ceremony.

NZ Police Museum & College

Our visit to the Police Museum and College was a favourite for lots of Coach B people. 
I think if they can keep making good choices their will be a few recuits after leaving.
 At the Skid track we watched a Police Officer training for handling a car on a wet road at speed. Mrs Hawke was not expectiing to be offered a ride on the wet track!!!! But as it would have been rude to refuse, she went along for the ride. And what a ride it was!

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Westpac Stadium

Westpac Stadium was really interesting to visit. It is even more gigantic once you get inside.

Shorland Park

We had lunch and a play in Shorland Park and most of us got just a little sunburnt. Next we had a bus tour of the bays before exploring the waterfront and Te Papa.

Island Bay Marine Reserve

Our day today started at the Island Bay Marine Reserve.
It was a perfect day, not a cloud in the sky and views across Cook Strait to the snow covered hills of the South Island.
We spent time exploring the rock pools and found crabs, anemones, starfish, periwinkles, hermit crabs, cockabullies’ and shrimp.

Inside the boathouse we got to see and touch an amazing range of sea life.  Some even accepted the challenge to feed the turtles from their mouths!

Wednesday Morning

Morning all who are following our EOTC experiences in Wellington.
It was lovely to sit down last and see that so many of you had left messages. 
Will pass those messages on to the kids at breakfast.
 It's looking like a beautiful morning (bit of fog - but it is only 6.30). We will be heading off to the Island Bay marine Reserve and I'm confident all will have an amazing time.
Keep up the following of our week. Hastings seems a long way away.


This morning we had our visit around Parliament.
The politicians were nowhere to be seen, so we got to explore with our Educator.  He was really impressed by the awesome questions asked and the way we were able to show off all we already knew.

Carter Observatory

Our next stop was the Carter Observatory. We spent time in the planetarium watching an amazing presentation about the weather on all the planets in our solar system.
Then in the classroom we shared and developed our knowledge, before working on a visual way to show the distance each planet is from the sun.
It really made sense and was far easier to understand than talking about millions of light years!!!
(Becky, the kind teacher has emailed this activity to Mrs. Hawke so that all of the classes at St Mary’s can learn about this!)